Reichert Polyvar

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Reichert Polyvar

Messagede Polymorph » 19 Nov 2022 14:55

Bonjour !

I want change informations about the Polyvar microscopes ("normal") and -Met. My Polyvar is complete and the Met is missing
the stage. The Polyvar I use for take photos of melted chemical salts with transmissionpolarisationlight.In the upper photoexit
is an tube for the digital fullframe camera.The original 9x12 camera is removed. The shutter of the Polyvar I open by the
original controlbox and exposuretime by the camera.Thanks. :idea:

Regards Hermann
Messages: 1
Inscription: 17 Nov 2022 14:11
Prénom: Hermann

Re: Reichert Polyvar

Messagede sciroccoblow » 20 Nov 2022 09:59


Polyvar microscopes are robust and really good to use with nice optics.

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